Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Whats the Point?

So today I'm going to be honest. Not that I'm not always honest, just today I'm going to be transparent. The last few weeks I've been in this rut where I ask my self whats the point. Between waiting on account receivables, bills, relationship (or lack there of) and just life I found myself very stressed. Now I'm not so naive to believe that I'm the only one who is dealing with stress but it cause me to doubt myself. I began to wonder would things be better if i just got a 9 to 5, why am I ever a photographer?

I needed to get away, so this past weekend I went with some friends to West Palm Beach. Wow, what a beautiful place with tons of places to get some great shots. It was the first time that I had taken a picture just cause. Not because someone was paying me to do it but just cause I love it. And that's when it hit me... Whats the point?... Because I love it! Life is to precious to waste it doing something you don't absolutely love. The key is to not so bogged down by "stuff" that you forget to do what you love! The picture above is of west palm from across the water.

For more info on Kj and His work
Visit: www.kevinjamesphotos.com

Thursday, September 16, 2010


In this day in age where we get our information faster than we can get a cup of coffee. (starbucks if your a sophisticated kind of person) one has to ask themselves have we hit a social media overload From you tube and vimeo to Facebook and tweeting on our smart phones and even myspace if anybody other than rappers and Tweens uses it. If we arnt care fully we can forget how to interact with people outside of a keyboard. I believe that leveraging the internet and social site is key to get noticed, but don't forget about real people. Don't forget to nurture relationships with past clients and customers after all it is much cheaper to keep a client than to nurture a new one. Let's not get so induced in our virtual reality that we forget to pick up the phone a call out most loyal customers or maybe even meet them fir a cup of coffee (starbucks of course)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I think I can I think I can....

I was Watching Major Payne the other day, a comedy about a hard core marine who is getting up there in his years. Major Payne is sent to a JROTC program at a private school to turn it around. During his interaction with one of the younger member of the program he tells a warped version on the Little engine that could.
It has probably been 20 years since I've even thought about the little engine that could. But as I thought about it is isn't just a story for toddles but a story that many adults need to hear. Maybe it's just me but I think we constantly find our selves faced with uphill situations that we don't think we have the power or ability to carry the load. But if we stay consistent and repeat that little mantra, I think I can I think I can... We will be blow away with what we are able to accomplish!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Social Marketing

Today was a busy day. This morning I had a few make up head shot to do for the local Century 21 office. While in between clients I snapped a quick pic of my set up and posted it to Facebook. Low and behold within minutes I had two more people interested in scheduling a session for business head shots at there office. Pretty cool! People a voyeuristic by nature, Let people know what you are doing and who are doing it with and you never know when it could pay off!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lights, Camera, Music!

This weekend I got a really cool opportunity to take some shots of two different christian artists. The show was in orlando a few hours drive from my base in fort myers. I arrived at the venue as Group 1 Crew was doing their sound check. Group 1 Crew has a great sound, simular to Black eyed peas, I got to hang back stage with them as well as Kj-52 a rap artist that many people are familiar with. Both groups have amazing music and have great hearts to go along with it.

When it came time to shoot i opted to run with out the flash i am of the mindset that with flash you loss the feel and ambiance of the venue. The only down side is you have to, a. have a supper fast lens and, b. you will have a very shallow depth of field so focusing can be a little difficult. Other than that these types of shoots are so much fun, with the fans and the lights and music, you almost feel what its like to be a rock star! ha~


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Is seems these days everyone and there mother is a photographer! But just so we are clear just because your friends cousin's mother bought as $600 Digital camera doesn't make her a photographer. This reminds me of a story I heard from a friend, She told me that she was talking to a "Photographer" that books about good number of weddings a year. My friend asked how she sets her camera when shooting her weddings? To which the reply scared her, me, and I would assume those who employ her, " I just put it on automatic and hope for the best".
I would expect that if I was paying for a professional for any service, not just photography, to not just have nice equipment but that they would have spend the time and energy to educate themselves on there craft. You can never surrender your quality and creativity to a machine. When choosing a photographer for your wedding or portrait ask them about there education/training. Make sure they understand things like aperture, shutter speed, iso. Also make sure they have a color managed work flow so your not disappointed when you get your pictures back form the printer!
In closing think about this. If a 60 year old man got a brand new cherry red corvette with there racing package and all the bells and whistles... you wouldn't say he is a Race car Driver you would say he is having a Mid-life Crisis!

For anybody the wants to know more about about photography I recommend "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson.